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Dental Implants in Merrimac, MA

Implants Graphic

Greater Essex Dental provides dental implant services in Merrimac, MA.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, call our office at

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the optimal replacements for natural teeth. Implants can restore your genuine, attractive smile and improve your oral health. Single-tooth dental implants consist of a titanium post that integrates with the jaw, a metal abutment, and a dental crown.

Our office provides three kinds of dental implants:

Single Dental Implant Photo

Single-Tooth Dental Implants

A single-tooth dental implant is ideal for patients who need only a few replacements or when the missing teeth are not close together.

Full Arch Implants

Full Arch Replacements

A full arch replacement may be the right choice if you have many missing teeth. We can replace all teeth on the upper or lower jaw using full arch replacements. Unlike traditional full-plate dentures, the dentist secures the arch using implants.

Implant Supported Bridge

Implant Supported Bridges

An implant-supported bridge is much like a standard bridge in construction, but in place of crowns that anchor the bridge, implants on either side provide a permanent attachment.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Eat Anything You Want

Dental implants let you eat anything you want, even hard, chewy, and sticky foods, unlike other tooth replacements.

Prevent Tooth Movement

When you have a space in your mouth from a missing tooth, your other teeth will shift positions. This problem can lead to poor dental alignment, spaces between teeth, and more crowding. Crowded teeth may be more challenging to keep clean, meaning you may experience more gum disease and tooth decay.

Prevent Jawbone Deterioration

Missing teeth cause the jawbone to break down over time. When you have problems with your jaw, you may develop a sunken look that will age your appearance. The longer you wait to have a tooth replaced, the more you risk this problem occurring.

Restore Your Self-Confidence

If you are missing teeth, you likely feel self-conscious about your appearance. You may hesitate to show your teeth, leading to fewer smiles. Dental implants make you feel free to smile and laugh again without worrying that people will see your missing teeth.

Guided Implants

Are You a Good Candidate for Implants?

To receive dental implants, you need healthy gums. If you have gingivitis or more advanced periodontal disease, you should speak with your dentist and address it before getting implants.

Why Choose Greater Essex Dentistry?

Our office provides expert dental care with a personal touch. Dr. Avdagic has earned fellowships in the International Congress of Implantologists, the Live Implant Training Institute, and the American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics through his advanced training and expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Does dental implant surgery hurt?

Our approach to implant surgery allows for nearly no pain. Patients report that the surgery is no more uncomfortable than other types of dental work, and oftentimes less painful.

How long do dental implants last?

Although there are many factors that play a role in the life span of dental implants and implant restorations, with proper care and dental hygiene, we expect to get at least seven to ten years out of the crown, and fifteen or more years out of the implant. Often times, a implant can last a lifetime.

How long does the implant process take?

The implant process has several steps and may take a few months to a year, depending on the number of implants and whether you need a bone graft.

How should I care for my dental implants?

Dental implants require the same type of care as natural teeth. Brush and floss them as your dentist recommends. Make sure to keep all your scheduled cleaning and exam appointments to ensure your implants are healthy.

Can children get dental implants?

Teens whose jaw and facial development is complete can receive dental implants. For girls this may happen sooner, as they mature at a younger age than boys. However, Neither would typically receive a dental implant prior to the age of 21.

Why are dental implants preferred over other types of restorations?

Dental implants mimic the natural root structure of a tooth, and when cared for properly, will last longer than any other type of restoration. They help preserve your oral health. Full and partial traditional dentures may be uncomfortable and slip or click when you eat or talk. Also, full-arch traditional dentures could lead to the breakdown of your natural bone structure. Implants may require more investment upfront but last considerably longer and provide a natural feel, as well as allow for functioning that is comparable to having your natural teeth.

Call Greater Essex Dental

Dental implants can restore your smile and protect your oral health. If you are interested in dental implants, call our office at 978-346-4610 to set up a consultation with Dr. Avdagic. He will explain your available options and answer your questions.

Instructions Following Implant Surgery

How to care for your oral health after implant surgery

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

26 School St Merrimac, MA 01860
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